November News Round Up

Here's a round up of all the good stuff that happened in November.

The annual Global Youth Awards run by our sister company RoundTable Global were held in London on 18th November. The event was a huge success celebrating a diverse group of young people from different countries who are leading the way with many inspirational projects for change around the globe.

We would like to congratulate all of the winners and nominees from this year's awards and celebrate their amazing achievements. We're so excited to follow them all on their journey as Global Youth Ambassadors over the course of this next year and beyond.

Jacqui and Ulpa attended the The Greener Manufacturing Show in Cologne this week. It was an amazing event with many great raw product manufacturers and so much knowledge to soak up about alternative plastics in the plastic free zone. Also much needed discussions with organisations regarding recycling which is going to help Beyond Bamboo in our continued quest for all things sustainable.

We officially welcomed three new young individuals to the Beyond Bamboo Team.

Mihir Patel who has been working on placement with Beyond Bamboo since earlier this year.

Mihir is currently studying at university and has this to say about his experience:

"I’m a final-year Economics student at the University of Birmingham. I started as a Finance Intern over the summer and have really enjoyed being able to transition into a Finance Associate! I’ve enjoyed practically applying my degree to the industry of sustainability, and I look forward to learning more about the financials associated with a sustainable procurement company".

Raquel Graça who joins us with lived experience of working within the hospitality industry as well as a graduate in Design for Sustainability.

Raquel has this to say:

"I have a Bachelor's degree in Equipment Design and a master's in Design for Sustainability at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Previously, I worked in a local accommodation management company where I needed to attend to the guest's needs. It was during that time I was confronted with the immense work that needs to be done in the hospitality industry, which led me to Beyond Bamboo. I've always had a special interest in learning how objects work. Have a great love for drawing and invest a lot of my time in it, which trains me to be attentive to detail".

And last but not least Kira Sankhalpara - more vital young talent and leadership into our business to help shape the future of sustainability in the hospitality industry and beyond!

"I have recently completed my A-Levels in Maths, Physics and Geography where I developed key skills such as analytical/critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork. I am creative and artistic, with a good eye for detail. I have always had a passion for sustainability and I knew working for Beyond Bamboo would allow me to develop my skills in this field and benefit future generations, through making positive change. I have thoroughly enjoyed working for Beyond Bamboo so far and I’m very excited to see what amazing things we can do in the future!"

Welcome all! We consciously support young people and highly value their voices in shaping the future of sustainability.


Our Carbon Neutral Commitment and How it Supports Our Strategy to Net Zero


Congratulations Global Youth Award Winners